Monday, October 21, 2013

October 13, 2013

I just gotta start out by saying I have two amazing examples in the mission field right now. Michael and Renden are both so powerful in their letters and I just love them both so much. Thanks Mama for forwarding their letters to me. I can see the changes that they have made just by reading their letters. IT is amazing what the love of the savior can do for us when we have that love in our hearts. I know my cousins have that love in their hearts and I am blessed to have them here in the field with me. They are some hardworking Elders that is for sure.

So Conference was really great to and it made me happy:) the thing that stood out to me most was just the main topic of discussion of just the commandments and how important they truly are. The commandments of God should not be looked over and just not really thought about. The commandments of God is the only way to Endure To The End. As children of God he has given us commandments in order to feel his love and feel true joy in our hearts. His commandments are not rules or burdens, his commandments are happiness and joy to our lives that lead us to what truly matters. Every commandment he gives has so much importance and I truly do know that by Jesus Christ and his example and by following all of his teachings, our hearts will feel his love and joy and our lives will be guided by him.

I really feel I have gained a strong testimony of Gods commandments since i have been on the mission and just that they are not a set of rules or guidelines, they are each a way to feel joy in this life as a child of God.

Nanay!!! you are awesome! you went and worked with the missionaries! That is the real deal right there haha i am sure the spirit was so strong when you bore your testimony. Mama, you have a strong testimony of this Gospel and such an amazing desire to become more like  your Savior. You have not only been a great mama but you are an amazing example to me and I am grateful for your testimony of this Gospel because without your testimony I may have never found my own and that really is truth. Keep working with them and I promise you that you will even find more joy and blessings in your everyday life. God loves it when we help build up his kingdom.

Oh ya and you are right, me and dad would be a great companionship:) Dad is going to be a great missionary, he is a talented man alone and even such a greater talented man with God.

Coop dawg, you are the man for keeping that head high and being the example you should be. It doesnt matter that you lost the football game because in your own words,,,,, whats the real game that we play in this life? who's our coach? who are my teammates? everyday is a game coop and if you can win that game everyday then that's all that really matters. Coop you are a stud man and I am glad you had fun at homecoming those are always fun to go to. Keep moving forward like you are and coop you look really happy lil brother. GUAPO KA!

SO para sa akin, At general conference i had a great experience! So in the Sunday morning session right before the prophet spoke and the mormon tabernacle choir was singing, C my investigator leaned over and said to me,,, " I can feel it Elder Clark, I truly do know that this is the Church of God, his spirit is here." When he said that, man i cant even describe how powerful and happy i was to hear that. I love being able to help people come to the knowledge and feelings that this is the true church of God. I love seeing people have no testimony and no belief and then we teach them and they just grow to love the lessons and then they just grow to love their Savior and this wonderful Gospel. People can't deny the spirit. It testifies of truth and when they feel that they know for themselves that what they have heard, studied  or prayed about is true and that is the beauty of testifying about the True Church of God, I know that they will feel the spirit and I know that every time i feel the spirit it is just a reassurance to me that these things are true. I am a blessed missionary, God has given me so much and I am so grateful for his plan for me and for his Gospel that he has provided for his children. I promise you that you will feel true happiness as you come to know your Savior Jesus Christ.

Mama thank you for your emails and I love you nanay!

Brothers and Sisters:::::: I know all y'all miss me like crazy because c'mon, when us Clark siblings aren't together we just miss each other. I love all of you so much and you are my best friends and I love you and I want to tell you that I know what I am doing as a missionary for Gods church is real and it is true and I am only away from my family to help other families feel what we feel as siblings. We all feel love for each other but it is because of Jesus Christ that we are so close. Ingat lahat tayo at mahal ko kayo.

---- P.s So excited for Colbies mission call, she is so darn amazing and i am about to email her right now and I am real excited. ahaha

Happy Days, All is Well

Elder Cory Austin Clark

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